Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Most Difficult Decision a Dog Lover Must Make by Joann Henry

When you adopt a puppy, you are inviting him to share your life and you get the privilege of sharing his. As his owner, you are responsible for making sure he behaves, providing him plenty of healthy food, and giving him plenty of love and attention. He repays you with unconditional love and anyone who's had a happy doggy face to meet them after a long hard day at work knows that what he asks for is little enough for the joy that he so happily offers. Part of being a responsible and loving dog owner, however, is knowing when you need to say good bye.

There are unfortunately several situations in which you may be called upon to make one of the most heart breaking decisions of a dog owner's life. Your dog might have been in accident, or he might have developed a life-threatening illness. In the middle of his situation, you might be called upon by your vet to decide whether it would be more merciful to continue treatment or to simply let your beloved pet go. Times like this are extraordinarily difficult, but as the person who has always been responsible for your dog, you need to make the right decision for both his sake and yours.

When placed in this position, you need to evaluate all the facts as logically as you can. What is the vet proposing? What are the chances of success? Even if the operation or treatment does succeed, what is your precious pup's quality of life going to be like? These are all questions that your vet can help answer for you, but you are the one that knows your dog the best. You know better than anyone else what will make him happy and content, and you know what situations will make him miserable.

If you ever have to make this difficult decision, it will be difficult to avoid being swayed by sentiment. You should never think of euthanasia as having your beloved dog killed; in many cases it is a mercy, though a heartbreaking one for the ones left behind. Your dog doesn't have your powerful reasoning abilities; he will never understand why he is in pain from continual treatment or diseases. All he will know is that every day is difficult and he cannot do the things that used to make him happy. You are the one who is responsible for your dog's continued happiness and contentment, so seriously think about how your dog will live out his life. If you feel that he can come out of treatment as a healthier dog who can enjoy his life, that's one thing, but if all it means is continued survival by scraping by, you need to consider your dog's happiness.

The big question to ask yourself is whether your beloved canine companion is still enjoying his life. Think about all the things that he loves to do. Is he still able to do them? If your dog can't muster up the energy to even enjoy the snacks you bring, or even gentle petting can make him uncomfortable, it might be time to say goodbye.

First Aid Items for Dogs by John Grimes

If you have a pup, you probably take them with you whenever you head out doors. While you have probably thought about first aid for yourself, what about your best pup friend?

Your approach to first aid for dogs should be similar to the approach you take for yourself. The point of the first aid should be to treat the pup for immediate problems with the goal being to get them to a vet for more serious issues.

The first step with first aid for you dog is to know your pup. A dog that sits down and doesn't want to move is a pup that is having a problem. From a practical standpoint, you may want to check the pups heart beat. The accepted rate differs by the size of the dog. Small dogs tend to have a resting heart rate of 90 to 120 beats a minute. Medium dogs range from 70 to 110 with large dogs dropping to 60 to 90 beats a minute.

So, how do you check the pulse of you pup? The best location is on the femoral artery. This can be located on the inside of a hind leg where the leg meets the abdomen. The artery is easy to find, so just run your fingers over the area till you feel beating. Once you've found it, count the number of beats in 15 seconds. Multiply this number by four and you have the rate per minute.
As with any first aid kit, there are some basic items you should pack. Instant cold pack, gauze, bandage rolls, thermometer, hydrogen peroxide, tweezers, antibiotic ointment, q-tips, material for a tourniquet, and a small first aid book for your dog are common.

It is vitally important that you remember an injured dog is often a nervous and scared pup. They may not react the way you expect and may not even acknowledge they recognize you. Don't make any sudden movements. Talk to them in a calm, reassuring voice and do your best to comfort them. Taking this approach can help avoid problems.

If you are taking your pup out camping with you for the weekend, remember things can happen to them just as much as they can to you. Pack first aid supplies for your pup and you should be able to avoid any major problems.

Potty Training Your Puppy - Effective Tips and Guide - Part 2 by Moses Wright

Making mistakes is part of a puppy's learning cycle while being house-trained. It is a learning cycle for the new owner as well. It is vital that somebody stays with the puppy to supervise his potty training. The longer a puppy is left on his own, the greater the chance for him to make mistakes unknowingly, so do try to spend as much time with the puppy as possible. It takes approximately 4 weeks to fully train a puppy, and the puppy passes the training if he doesn't soil the house after a period of 4 weeks. Longer training periods will be needed to teach older dogs though.

Monitor him constantly, and baby gates can be used to restrict his wanderings within the house and crates can be use to constrain him when there is no supervision. If you notice your puppy squats to urinate or relieve himself while greeting you, he could be afflicted with submissive urination. These types of dogs are very high-strung and you should refrain from reprimanding his actions as such scoldings exacerbates the issue. This will not persist with his maturity if you maintain a sense of calm. Alternatively, you can try asking him to sit and stay still for a yummy snack until someone acknowledges his presence.

Try to get rid of the smell of urine or defecation to reduce the chances of your puppy going back to the exact spot to conduct his business and this will reduce the occurrence of committing the same mistake. They have an innate tendency to go back to a spot they visited earlier.
A good deodorizer is key to ridding the home of pungent doggy smells. If he urinated on a carpet, saturate it with a cleaning agent. Shut off all those rooms in your house where your puppy has made frequent mistakes. Only allow him permission to pass if he is in the presence of a family member and has approval.

A useful way to spot and remove urine stains from carpets and furniture is to utilize black lights as stains will show up, a;;owing for more efficient cleaning. You can use commercial or create a homemade deodorizer by mixing 50% water and 50% white vinegar. Do bear in mind that ammonia should not be used on a spot of urine. It will encourage your dog to return to the same spot.

Remember, dogs will make mistakes during the period of house-training and it is part of the learning process. This is the reason for being prepared to deal with such issues.
a. Punishing him only after a mistake has been committed will slow down the speed of training.
b. Be patient. Like any training endeavor, potty training requires a lot of patience. Don't rub his nose into his mess. Instead of getting him to stop committing the same mistake, it futher aggravates the situation by instilling the fear of you in him.

c. If you catch him in the act of soiling the home, grab his collar quickly and pull him up, saying "No" with a strict tone. Do this only when you catch him red-handed, but be sure not to be too loud or he will eliminate in front of you or perhaps even outdoors.

d. Then, take him outside and let him finish what he is doing. Lastly, pat him on his head while saying "Good boy!" or praising him. Remember to shower your dog with encouragement and praises when he is displaying the desired behavior. Giving him food as a reward when he does his business in the appropriate spot can help too.

Common sense is indispensable when you are starting to housebreak your puppy. Use your common sense to determine the amount of water given to the dog before his bedtime especially if he is prone to urinating in the middle of the night. It will be useful to try to suit his timing initially before trying to get the dog to adjust to your timing.

Aside from patience and common sense, consistency is also one of the important factors of this dog training activity. If you suddenly forget about the routines yourself, don't blame if your dog if he starts committing accidents more often.

The risk is great - a filthy and smelly home. If you would like to succeed in this potty training feat or just about in any other training drills, don't treat it as a game. You need to be responsible and spend enough time on your side.

A Happy Dog - How To Avoid Behavioural Difficulties In Dogs by Kit Marsters

With dogs frequently in the media, most often in a bad light, it is easy to think of them as dangerous animals. When they bare their teeth and growl, it takes a brave person to not feel intimidated. Why did these dogs make the news for bad behaviour? Is it still safe to add a dog to the family? And what about the kids?

It is common knowledge that dogs are pack animals. As such, dogs need companionship and this helps make them such wonderful pets. They are sociable beings, perhaps even more so than the humans they easily accept as family.

If you have just adopted a dog, or are thinking of doing so, there are a few things to consider.
When you adopt a dog, you become the dog's family, his pack. Your dog will feel the need to be included in pack activities. One of the worst things you can do to a dog is to keep him away from human companionship. This will make the dog feel anxious and stressed, perhaps even jealous, which will make him more likely to bark and, in extreme cases, lash out.

Don't turn your dog into an outside pet. Keeping him chained in the backyard does not allow him to socialise. He won't learn what acceptable behaviour is, and he will feel lonely and excluded. This again can lead to frustration and even aggression.

You do not have to spend all day interacting with your dog but experts recommend allowing him access to at least the living space and a sleeping space in the house at night. It is easy enough to allow him near you when you are relaxing in front of the television, or working on the computer. Talk to him when you can, pet him, and let him know he is behaving well.

Train your dog. If you can, take him to a training and socialisation class. The best time to do this is when your dog is a puppy. This will help avoid undesirable behaviour early on. It also helps the pup to understand that you are the leader of the pack, which is important. If you have adopted an older dog, training him as soon as possible will help him fit in.

Take your time introducing the dog to each member of his new family. Instruct your children on how best to approach their new friend, and make sure that they know not to pull his tail or his ears. Most dogs are very tolerant of children. It seems that they know children are the human equivalent of puppies, and therefore they can get away with more. However, it is important to supervise any playtime between your children and your dog, allowing you to step in when needed.

A dog is constantly looking for cues as to how to behave and how to please you. Reward positive behaviour and discourage inappropriate behaviour. Avoid physical punishments - they will do more harm than good. If your dog is scared of you and becomes scared of humans, he is more likely to feel defensive. If you treat him with love and encourage him to be kind and happy, he will feel accepted and pleased with his place in the household. He will not have reason to be stressed and anxious.

Your dog needs exercise. The amount of exercise needed will depend on the breed. It is advisable to do a search online to find out as much about the breed as possible. Do take your dog for walks, and do allow for proper playing time. Most dogs will love you forever if you just throw that ball, or stick and allow him to fetch it a good few times. Other toys, such as squeaky bones, may seem annoying to you but can make for hours of fun for your pet.

Above all, allow your dog to be your friend. This is what he wants more than anything. Give him a chance, and together you will build many happy memories.

A True Bestfriend by fris arbes

Most dogs, because of their wonderful characteristics, never fail to attract attention wherever they go. With their soft, fluffy hair, kind round eyes, cute little noses, and joyful strutting, it is not hard to understand why a lot of people easily fall in love with them. What makes them really amazing, though, is their seeming ability to show unconditional love and loyalty to the people they live with. Also, they usually project so much liveliness and playfulness that any person cannot help but feel the same way. On the other hand, their calm disposition when they are lying on their owners' lap or anywhere nearby can also cause a certain feeling of comfort and peacefulness. These are actually the same characteristics that make it so easy for dogs to create strong bonds between them and their keepers.

Dogs are observed to bring out a lot of positive feelings and reactions from people. Because of this, a lot of recent studies had been conducted regarding their effectiveness in being instruments for relieving stress, anxiety, and depression. One study stated that having dogs can actually lessen people's stress and anxiety through improving people's moods, improving their social support, encouraging them to exercise, and eliminating their feeling of loneliness. Another study showed that men with AIDS had a lesser tendency to experience depression by keeping dogs as pets. Also, dogs had been noted to provide a sense of companionship to people and are even said to improve a person's self-esteem. They prevent people from experiencing and thinking about negative feelings and ideas, thus, lessening the possibility of those people to feel stressed, anxious, and depressed.

Among the most stressful and, possibly, depressing professions there are, considering the pressure imposed upon them by other people, are probably those of Hollywood stars. Aside from the load of work that they have to handle, they also have to watch out for possible reasons that people can find and use to criticize them. Hollywood actors and actresses are actually forced to do certain things such as to constantly show happiness, to always dress well, or to lose more weight, especially when they need to appear in public, even if that is not how they really feel or what they really like. This must be the reason why a lot of Hollywood stars keep dogs as pets. They probably need these canines to relieve them from all the stress, anxiety, and depression that comes with celebrity fame and fortune. Famous actors and actresses such as Will Smith and Courtney Cox have been noted to say that their dogs help them to become more happy aside from the companionship and sense of security that these canines provide. Another article about celebrities and their dogs reported that people in Hollywood choose to have pet dogs because "they need the unconditional love and support man's best friend provides." Among the Hollywood stars who are known as dog lovers are Paris Hilton, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston, Orlando Bloom, and Jessica Alba.

Aside from Hollywood stars, other famous and powerful people such as politicians, a dictator, and monarchs, surprisingly, have pet dogs. Among those personalities are George W. Bush who has a Scottish terrier named Miss Beazley. Bill Clinton has a cocker spaniel and a Labrador retriever. Adolf Hitler had a dog named Blondi. Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Koningin of the Netherlands are also dog lovers. Dogs must have made so much difference in their owners' lives that some of them are even given large amounts of inheritance after their owners die. Luxury-hotel queen Leona Helmsley and tobacco heiress Doris Duke have been reported to have left their dogs at least 12 million dollars and one hundred thousand dollars, respectively.

House Pets And Your Family by Pertic Brendon

If you're a serious animal lover like me then there's a good chance that you have a number of various house pets around your house. You'll also probably have an intriguing number of other house guests roaming around your house as well. You know what I mean, all the strays and hurt little birds and four legged creatures that you just couldn't desert.

That probably makes you a soft touch where all the extra house guests and your house pets are concerned but you don't really care. You're doing what you love to do, looking after animals. So it's probably a good thing that you went into a veterinary practice early on in your life. That hasn't stopped you from collecting as many house pets as you can though. In fact you probably have more house pets than you otherwise normally would have, but since your house is adjoined by your practice it doesn't pose a big problem for you at all.

Having such a large number of house pets, you need to be careful about hygiene and spread of disease amongst them. You'll need to keep a few litter baskets for the cats who deign to call you their pet, and you'll need to keep enough food on hand to keep them from going hungry.
Both your cat and dog variety of house pets should have their own separate feeding stations, as well as their own types of food. Both these type of house pets will also need to be kept entertained and fit so you will need to provide a few toys which they can play with in your absence. If you have a large garden all the more better as they can then be free to roam around as much as they please and tire themselves out.

If you don't have a large garden though and you don't have too much time to spend on giving your house pets the right exercise then I would suggest you look into how to remedy that situation as soon as possible. All animals need exercise and if they don't get it they will just become fat and sedentary which is really bad for them, as much as it is bad for you and I.
Another thing that you'll need to consider if you have a variety of house pets and house guests of the non-human variety is whether they're compatible. Otherwise you might end up with a situation on your hands that resembles the popular cartoon shows, with Sylvester and Tweety. Throw the dog into the mix and what you have is a kind of cyclic chaos. Dog likes cat, cat likes bird, bird has no where to go in tiny cage. And when I say "like" I don't necessarily mean it in a good way! So take care that your house pets are happy and healthy, and that they don't eat each other for lack of anything else to do.

How To Deal With Dog Health Problems? by Pertic Brendon

If you're the proud owner of a dog health problems are no stranger to your household. They need not only be of the doggy variety either. By the very fact of owning a dog you open up your home to be bombarded by a myriad of different little health problems. Some of them might not be so bad, but for the most part if you have a dog health problems will also abound. You just can't stop that.

It's as natural as breathing, and although you might take steps to prevent this, there's really only so much that you can do, and so much germs and bacteria that you can fight. And for the most part you would be successful but there will still be unseen germs lingering around biding their time until they can strike. You might not even realize this, and you might not even realize when they do strike at you but rest assured that it will happen.

And that's not all, if you have a dog health problems of the canine variety will also abound as your dog will also get sick from time to time and you will need to take care of him as well. The best way is to start as you mean to go on, and getting the right shots for your dog as soon you get him, and giving him a thorough check-up at the same time is always good. You can't stop there however and will need to keep up the shots and the check-ups on a regular basis. Your vet can tell you how often you will need to bring in your dog. And your vet can also tell you what you need to do to keep your dog healthy.

Brushing his coat daily is a good way to get a silky and shiny coat. If your dog's coat starts to lose its luster then you know there's something wrong with your dog health problems shouldn't be left alone too long without treatment. You should make an appointment with the vet as soon as possible to see about proper treatment.

Then there's always doggy biscuits that are like toothbrushes and will keep your dog's mouth clean and fresh. Regular bathing will also help to ward off whatever dog health problems that may occur otherwise. Feeding him a balanced diet will be the best way to keep him healthy. Don't give your dog any of the junk food that's so bad for you, and definitely stay away from the chocolates, they're toxic to your dog health problems will abound if you ignore this.
If you own a dog health problems will arise, you can't get away from that fact, but there are a few things that you can do to avert mishaps. As long as you realize there's nothing you can do to completely eradicate the germs and bacteria that are sure to abound, and take action accordingly, you and your dog should get along like a house on fire.

Raisins and/or Grapes and Your Dog's WellBeing by Linda Bonney

Your Pet vs Grapes and/or Raisins

I recently came across a letter written by Laurinda Morris, DVM, of the Danville Veterinary Clinic in Danville, Ohio. She said in her letter that the information should be passed on to anyone who owned a dog or even knew someone that did. As I feel that it contains some extremely important information for all dog owners, I would like to share some of her comments with you:
Her patient was a 56-pound, 5 year old male lab mix. Apparently he ate half a canister of raisins when his owners were out - sometime between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Around 1 a.m. of the next day, the dog started vomiting and had diarrhea and shakes. The owner called Dr. Morris around 7 a.m. that day. The dog was brought into her office and they contacted the ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center and were told to give the dog IV fluids and watch 'kidney values for the next 48-72 hours.'

After monitoring the dog for the remainder of the day, the vet determined that the dog was now in acute renal failure. He was sent to MedVet for monitoring and overnight care. He started vomiting again and only produced urine when given Lasix as a diuretic.

Sadly, as nothing that was done could control his vomiting and lack of urine output, the dog had to be euthanized. Dr. Morris says,
"This is a very sad case - great dog, great owners who had no idea raisins could be a toxin. Please alert everyone you know who has a dog of this very serious risk. Poison control said as few as 7 raisins or grapes could be toxic. Many people I know give their dogs grapes or raisins as treats including our ex-handler's. Any exposure should give rise to immediate concern."

Dogs - Tips On What To Know When Choosing Your Family Dog by Bonnie Holscher

There are several questions you need to ask yourself and your partner or spouse before setting out to acquire a family dog. It is often that people jump into getting a dog without realizing the responsibility involved. And all dogs are not alike. So it is crucially that you weigh all the information and make an educated choice and not just because "It's so cute". Too many dogs end up at the animal shelter or out in the streets because the new owners did not take several things into consideration.

Should you get a puppy or should you get an older dog?

Do you prefer a pedigree or would you rather have a mutt?

Should you get a large dog or a smaller dog?

What kind of dog should you get for your children.

It is very important to understand that not all dogs will work in every family that has children. Most families will get a dog as a companion for a child or children and not really think about whether it is the right dog for them and their children. They will listen to someone who says "Oh, these dogs are great with kids". It is important to take the time to get to know thedog you arethinkng of adding to your family. Just because someone says it is a great dog for kids does not mean that it is the best dog f your family.

Another consideration is that puppies and babies or very small children don't always mix. A small child does not understand that you do not pick up a puppy by the tail or neck. This will result in hurting the puppy and possibly cause the dog to become protective of itself which cause even a well rounded dog tobecome aggressive and possibly bite the child to stop it's own hurt. A small child will tend to hold a puppy too tight causing physical damage and again changing the attitude of the dog.

Canine Allergies - does your dog have them? by Sue Koranki

Most people today know that the number of people suffering from allergies is increasing all the time. More kids (and adults) are developing new allergies and experiencing an increase in severity/duration of existing ones.

But did you know that dogs can suffer from allergies too?

They can fall prey to seasonal allergies involving pollen, plants, mold etc. just like we do. But there are also other, more common, causes of dog allergies such flea allergy, dog food allergy, contact allergy and occasionally an allergic reaction to vaccinations.

Although dog allergies are caused by a variety of different substances, they generally produce symptoms that affect the skin. If your dog seems to spend an inordinate amount of time scratching and licking himself (especially his belly and paws), has sore, irritated, red patches of skin, 'hot spots' or patchy hair loss, chances are he's suffering from allergies.

Other symptoms of canine allergies that you may see are sneezing, coughing, persistent head shaking or discharge from the eyes or nose.

Certain breeds seem to be more prone to developing allergies than others, they include :

Golden Retrievers
Irish Setters
Labrador Retrievers
Lhasa Apsos
Min. Schnauzers
Shar Peis

Puppies generally don't develop dog allergies until after they reach a year old or more. That's because they tend to 'grow into' their allergies as their exposure to allergens in the atmosphere, food etc. sensitizes them to certain substances.

It's definitely easier to treat an allergy that has recently appeared, than one that's been present (and untreated) for a long period of time. Canine allergies will not 'get better' by themselves, and the symptoms they produce can make your dog very miserable and uncomfortable.

You can help to lessen the chances of your puppy developing canine allergies in later life, by minimizing his exposure to as many of the 'triggers' as possible. You can do this by :

For a Dog Food Allergy, feeding him a high-quality food (organic or hypoallergenic if possible), without dangerous chemicals and artificial additives can prevent, or at the least minimize, the development of food ingredient related sensitivities and allergies.

In cases of Flea Allergy, being vigilant about flea prevention is essential. Use a good, effective flea medication (such as Frontline Plus) on your pup during flea season. This could be for 4 months or year round, depending on where you live.

Preventing Inhalant Allergies is more challenging, but you can help control the problem with regular bathing and grooming, using HEPA filters in your vacuum and heat/AC units and minimizing your dogs' contact with long grasses etc.

Contact alllergies are fairly unusual, but they can occur when your dog comes in contact with something he's sensitive to, such as a flea collar, a blanket washed in a new detergent or something similar. The best treatment is to remove the allergen from his coat and skin by bathing him with a hypoallergenic shampoo, and then applying a hydrocortisone product to relieve the itch.

Your veterinarian can perform allergy test on your dog, either skin tests or blood tests, to determine the exact cause of the problem. There are also lots of products on the market that can help you treat the skin allergy symptoms that your dog may experience.
There are different shampoos such as hypoallergenic or hydrocortisone forumlas. 'Itch Stop' sprays, lotions and salves that soothe and reduce inflammation. Hydrocortisone products that help speed healing. Dietary supplements that improve skin condition and boost immunity, and some excellent dog foods that contain pure, natural ingredients to end food allergies and strengthen the digestive/immune system.

If your dog's skin conditions are severe, or appear to be infected (they may look very red, swollen, hot or crusty/oozing), your veterinarian may prescribe corticosteroids, cortisone shots or allergy/antihistamine medications. An elimination diet can be followed to expose a food allergy and isolate the offending ingredient/s.

A food intolerance, as opposed to a true food allergy, may cause vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite or lethargy. These symptoms can also indicate one of several serious canine illnesses, so if your dog experiences any of these, seek veterinary attention for a diagnosis.
Occasionally, dogs may have an allergic reaction to a vaccination. Again, certain breeds seem to be more predisposed towards this than others, these include :

Miniature Dachshunds
West Highland White Terriers
Old English Sheepdogs
Portuguese Water Dogs
Harlequin Great Danes
Most of these vaccine reactions are mild and may include symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite or a slight fever.
Moderate to severe reactions are rare, but can be extremely serious. If your puppy/dog develops any swelling or hives on his body, or particularly around or on his face, after having his shots (this could happen within minutes, or several hours later), seek immediate veterinary attention.

If your dog is having a severe allergic reaction the symptoms could progress to cause swelling in his throat, difficulty breathing, seizure and even death.
Overall, although dog allergies are not unusual, there's a lot you can do to reduce the chances of your pooch falling prey to them. If you suspect your pup is already experiencing a canine allergy of some sort, the strategies above should help you figure out what's causing the problem and make him feel better!

Training Your Dog: Become The Pack's Alpha by Craig Mannington

Training your dog is a great way for you to get to know him or her. There are several ways of training that can be done, but the best ones always include active participation by the owner. You may choose to take your dog to an experienced trainer, which is generally useful for newer pet owners, and those with puppies. You may also choose to take on the training yourself, especially since there is a great deal of dog training equipment, like dog training collars, available, and also a large amount of media in several formats from videos, to books, to the internet.

Before getting your dog involved in training, it is important to have some idea how your dog's behavior is influenced. Before dogs were domesticated and became pets, they lived in packs, much the same way wolves do today. Being a part of a group, comes naturally to dogs because it is predominately instinct. In fact, unless your dog was the only puppy, he was born into a pack. He fought his siblings for the preferred teat to suckle, and tussled for position of rank and power. But now he is away from his birth pack and in your home.

Your dog doesn't see himself as a puppy and you as its owner or even as a human. On the contrary; to him, you are two members of the same pack. Every pack must have leaders, an alpha male and female. These leaders often pair up together, but you shouldn't have this problem unless you have many dogs. The problem you do need to deal with is displays of alpha behavior from your pet, such as eating first, sleeping where he wishes, and taking and marking territory he desires. He believes that he can act as he wishes as leader of the pack.

Training your dog must include as its primary goal, determining who will be the alpha. The reason for this is that you are seen as part of the pack unless you want your dog to control you. With a puppy, it's easy to establish alpha via easy to use methods. Training a grown dog can be more difficult. When the dog is aggressive, it may be too difficult to train the dog yourself so hiring a trainer who is experienced in behavior modification dog training is a good solution.

To establish yourself as the alpha you can use two basic actions. In the first technique, you briefly stare at your dog and tell it to "sit". Non-alpha animals will look away while alpha dogs will stare as well. In the second technique, the dog is forced to sit as a prerequisite to other forms of attention such as receiving food, being pet, or being played with. Dominance is established quickly.

Keep in mind that in the end, there will be an alpha dog. If it's you, your dog will follow you. If it's your dog, you will be following him. So are you going to be training your dog, or is your dog going to be training you?

Boston Terrier Dog - Five Reasons To Get One by Abhik Sarkar

If you are mulling over getting a Boston Terrier dog, but are unsure if it is the best choice for you and your family, then this article will expose five reasons to help make a decision.
While all too often dog lovers decide to get a breed based more on the look of the breed, it is not what should ultimately decide which one you get.

Although you may have already fallen in love with the Boston Terrier dog, here are five reasons why it could be the perfect four- legged companion for you:

A bundle of energy - If you are looking for a dog that just drags himself lazily around the house like a sleepy mop, then the Boston Terrier is definitely NOT for you! They are predisposed to being very active, lively and playful and thrive on being busy.

A true socialite - They are not called the "American Gentleman of Dogs" for nothing. If you use the right methods of training, Boston Terriers are very social and prove to be great entertainers for everyone around them. If you have any other pets, canine or non-canine, or have children in the house they prove to be safe and friendly with their diverse surroundings. A true family companion.

Grooming nightmares - Well, there are none to speak off! Due to their very short and shiny coat not only do you not have to groom frequently, you will avoid the frustration of having shedding and having to clean up the hair from your furniture and carpets.

The empty house - Are you or family away from home for large parts of the day? If yes, then I would strongly advise you to avoid getting this breed. One of the main reasons that they have increased in popularity is because they love and thrive on human company and lots of it. They don't just love being with people, but need to do so. Therefore, if leaving him/her alone at home for long periods is a distinct possibility, then you should refrain from getting one.

Woof Woof - If incessant barking drives you up the wall, then you are in luck. The Boston Terrier dog while it does bark when he's alerted to something unusual at night, are generally very quiet and don't create much noise. They are a quiet bundle of energy, you and your family will enjoy.

The above five reasons should help you and your family make the right decision when choosing a companion that is right for your home.

Canine Congestive Heart Failure by Joann Henry

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a clinical condition which is the final result of severe heart disease. It is usual that when a dog has heart failure, heart disease is also present in the body. However, it is true that in some cases, heart disease can be present, but never lead to congestive heart disease.

When high diastolic pressures in the heart build up into the veins and capillaries, then congestive heart failure can occur, which in turn causes a leakage of fluid out of those vessels.

Heart failure is the end result of many different cardiac and pericardial diseases. These include:

* Decreased myocardial contractibility. This is a weak heart muscle, which is commonly seen with dilated cardiomyopathy.

* Valvular regurgitation. This is a leak in one of the four heart valves, as seen with mitral and tricuspid regurgitation.

* Increased myocardial stiffness, which impairs the heart's ability to fill with blood.
In the beginning, the signs of congestive heart failure can be quite mild and difficult to see. However the symptoms can become more severe in a short space of time. Some of the symptoms to look for are:

* Lack of energy - the dog becomes much less active and tires quickly during the later stages of congestive heart failure;

* Poor appetite;

* Weight loss;

* Heavy breathing - the dog can show signs of difficulty in breathing, panting and coughing whilst resting;

* Coughing;

* Swollen abdomen - the dogs' stomach can enlarge as fluid accumulates in the liver and abdomen; and

* Change of mouth color - the color of the membranes of the mouth can be grayish rather than being a healthy pink color. The first thing that is needs to be done though, is to manage the clinical signs of congestive heart failure by reducing the formation of edema and effusion and to increase the cardiac output, which is the delivery of blood to the tissues. There are a wide variety of treatments available for Congestive Heart Failure, depending on the severity of the condition. One of the most popular drugs used for this disease is Digitalis. This is a medication which belongs to a group called positive inotropic agents which help to increase the concentration of calcium in the heart muscle cells.

Diuretics are also another well known drug used for dogs with this condition. These drugs help to remove built up fluids that occur in the lungs and abdomen. Monitor your dogs attitude and any changes in appearance when you spend time with your friend. It is essential to keep a diary of anything that varies from "the norm" so that you can show it to your vet. Check your dog on a daily basis for:

- breathing, see if it is heavy or labored; - loss or reduction of appetite; - restlessness; - fainting; and - profound lethargy.

However, it is important to remember, that canine congestive heart failure is a major disease and it is a necessity to have regular visits to your veterinarian to ensure that your dogs' needs are being met.

Choosing A Dog Breeder by Sandy Oberreuter

Their are many things to consider in regards to choosing a breeder. First of all, don't buy a puppy from a pet store, backyard breeder or a puppy mill. These puppies usually are poor quality breeding stock. These puppies have been bred for financial gain only and not bred for genetic guarantees.

A responsible breeder is continually improving the quality of his dogs. They know that the background of the bloodline in a dog's pedigree is essential to prevent possible genetic disorders.
A reputable breeder wants to produce the healthiest and happiest puppy possible. Therefore, he puts time, knowledge and dollars into his breeding program.

By choosing a breeder that is responsible, he will tell you the lineage that your puppy came from so you will know the father's and mother's heritage and have the papers to prove it. You will know your puppy is from good stock.

He will want to know things about you before he will sell you one of his puppies. A good breeder cares what kind of home his puppy is going to. He may ask you your work schedule, about your household, your ability to care properly for a puppy and even about your yard. He also expects you to ask him questions too.


Local dog club

Veterinarian - ask him if he knows any breeder, which has the kind you want, what type of care they give their puppies.

Local dog trainer - go to a class and watch, if you see a dog you like talk to the owner and talk to the instructor.

Dog shows - observe the breed you want and get the name of the breeder and call him later to talk to him.

Other breeders - can give you recommendation for the breed you want.

Purebred Breeders of Dogs Directory - a web site that helps you find dog breeders in your area and helps guide you through the process.

Once you choose a breeder you think you want to get your puppy from you need to visit with questions in hand. Ask him questions related to the dog breed you want. Find out his philosophy on breeding, puppy qualities and lineage of the puppies. You should feel comfortable with him and someone you feel cares about his dogs.

Ask him if he involved in any dog or breed clubs. A reputable breeder is involved in these activities to keep informed about what is happening in his dog breed and health concerns.


Is the kennel clean?

Are the puppies clean?

Are the older dogs clean and groomed?

Are the puppies happy, healthy, well cared for?

Do the other dogs look happy, healthy, friendly and well cared for?

How are the puppies being raised? Do they have human contact? Socialization with people and environment is critical for puppies. They need constant contact with people and household sounds especially in those first few weeks.



Feeding instructions and schedule.

A booklet or packet of information on puppy care, on books, etc.

Registration papers - may hold until proof of spaying or neutered.

Health papers - puppy's immunization records updated

Written and signed contract - specifying rights of buyer and breeder's rights.

Signed veterinary health certificate with a written health quarantee, which includes one about congenital defect.

ACVD eye screening, OFA or Penn Hip certificate completed.

Ask breeder if he allows set time to return puppy in same condition as time of sale with full refund. Take him to your vet to check him out in this time period. A responsible breeder will always take puppy back although you might not get a refund after your time period is up.
He should always be willing to answer your questions now and in the future. He should be interested in any problems that develop with your puppy if they arise.

Now which puppy in the litter should you take home?

Ask the breeder which ones are shy, most curious, more mischievous or dominant. Watch them to see how each puppy is at play with his littermates, how he is around his mother and by himself.

Is he friendly and eager to greet people? Does he like t climb on you, lick or kiss you and follow you around? If you call him and snap your fingers, does he come to you? All of these things are good signs.

If he growls at you he might be dominance or fear induced, cringes at your touch, bites, runs from loud noises and doesn't come back - you don't want him!

Be sure he moves around easily, has no discharge from nose, ears or eyes. Just be patient and take your time picking out the right puppy for you.

Training Your Dog Not To Chew by Clyde Dennis

While chewing is a fairly normal activity for dogs it is not so normal that it is necessary for you to accept that your dog chews on things that you would rather he didn't. There are some easy steps you can take to deal with a chewing dog that will essentially train your pet what is acceptable to chew and what is not. Thereby preserving your valuables.

Here are a few easy steps you might consider trying.

First realize the dogs chew simply out of instinct. To a certain extent all dogs are chewers. Rather than looking to stop your dog from chewing a better option is to provide "chew safe" options for him. You should test several different types of toys. By experimenting with various replacement solutions you should be able to find one or two that almost instantly solve your problem.

Another solution, though sometimes a little difficult to undertake is to confine your pet to smaller quarters. This could be done by cordoning off rooms or areas where there are things you do not want chewed on and destroyed. This solution works extremely well when you're going to be away from home and unable to supervise your pet.

You should be aware that there is are a number of products available that act as anti-chewing applications. These are designed to make chewing a particular item a lot less attractive through taste. The anti-chewing substance is applied and when you dog chews he is treated to an other wise harmless bitter taste. After a few applications and encounters the chewing of the particular item ceases to be a problem.

Nylabones are another safe chewing alternative that are made from odorless from nylon fibers. They are available as edible and not-edible varieties. The edible nylabones are flexible while the non-edible one's are more durable and filled with chicken and other meat flavors. Nylabones are available in a range of size and colors so you can choose one that your dog will like.

Discovering The Benefit of Pet Health Insurance by Jon Arnold

You would not even consider the prospect of not having health insurance on members of your family. If you need annual checkups, regular shots for the kids, or that occasional unfortunate trip to the emergency room, you are very thankful that you have health insurance for your family members.
But considering that, is it so strange to think of getting a pet health insurance policy for Rover or Whiskers, who are for all intents and purposes, genuine members of your family as well? These days, the aspect of having a pet health insurance program for your dog or cat or whatever pet you have is not only not strange, it is something that money-conscious consumers are looking at more frequently, since this is something that is saving money for consumers who love their pets.

Think about it - your dog or cat is like a member of your family. You talk to them, they give you unquestioned love in return, but how closely do you watch their health? Do you take them to the vet for annual checkups, or is the only time they see the vet is when they need some kind of emergency health care or that worms or rabies booster shot? If you are like the vast majority of people, your answer is the latter, and you rarely if ever take your pet dog or pet cat to the vet unless there is obviously something wrong with them. And like with people, by the time a problem becomes "obvious", it is far too late to take any kind of effective preventive measures to make sure a minor problem does not escalate into a major and perhaps life-threatening problem.

Pet health insurance programs come in a variety of types and are available through separate companies and may also be offered by your regular vet. You can usually decide what kind and how much coverage to provide for your pet. At the most basic level, a policy would cover regular checkups and shots, while some of the more comprehensive insurance policies would also cover elective and non-elective surgeries, overnight stays, and sometimes may even cover extended stays at a pet boarding house.

The benefit of having a pet health insurance policy is that these are all covered, and depending on the policy you elect to get, may not even have a deductible, or the deductible amount would be very minor. Even if you get a policy with a deductible, the cost savings over paying each time for each and every procedure is dramatic, plus your pet will be healthier because you will not hesitate to take them to the vet to have something checked out if it appears something may be wrong with them. In the long run, you will have saved money and your pet will be healthier without being a major strain on your wallet.

While pet health care insurance may seem like something that only movie stars get for their Hollywood pets, pet health insurance is becoming more mainstream and is being offered for very reasonable prices. If your pet is really a part of your family as most dogs and cats and other pets are, this is something you may want to look into for the long-term enjoyment of having your pet around as part of your family.

The Secret to Potty Training Your Teacup Puppy by Dean Marton

Teacup puppies are adorable creatures, but when they start pooping and urinating all over your furniture, they won't be cute no more. To keep them from becoming your worst nightmare, you should take time for potty training. As soon as you bring home your teacup puppy, you should be on the lookout as he starts sniffing or walking around in circles. Most teacup pups will start sniffing furniture and carpets when they are about to urinate, while they walk around in circles if they feel the need to have a bowel movement. By paying attention to these simple behavior patterns, the easier will your potty training be.

Whether you plan to keep your teacup puppy's potty business indoors or outdoors, it is best to take them to a designated place where you want them to urinate or take a dump. Within a few days, your pup will use that same place consistently. This way, you maintain a cleaner house or backyard. Sometimes, giving treats to reward him every time he did his business properly can be a good way to train your teacup pup.

There are several methods of potty training for your puppy. However, before the actual training, it is best to decide which method you prefer to use because changing methods in the middle of the training could confuse your pet. Since you are the teacher, it is important not to expose your teacup pup about inconsistency.

One popular potty training technique is the paper method. Using this method, you should choose a designated area where your puppy will be doing his business. Many dog owners choose the bathroom or kitchen because of the linoleum flooring, but any other areas will do except carpeted floors. Once you have chosen the potty area, cover it entirely with newspaper.

Be aware that teacup babies tend to eliminate more waste compared to adults, so be extremely cautious. Once you see your teacup puppy sniffing or walking around in circles, this is your cue to place him on his designated potty area. Make sure to clean up the area immediately and replace it with fresh newspaper.

Eventually, your teacup pup will get used to the idea of using paper on his own potty area. When this happens, you can start to take away one sheet of paper at a time until you leave just a small portion enough for him to do his business. For owners who wish to keep their puppies from doing their business outdoors, just move the paper slowly until it reaches your desired spot outside. Once your puppy urinates and poops on the same spot everyday, you can now remove the paper and never worry about your furniture and floors ever again.

Teacup Vaccinations: Keeping Your Puppy Healthy by Dean Marton

Once you have brought your teacup puppy home, wait at least a week or so until he has settled into his new home. Since immunization shots could put your puppy into stress, making him lose his appetite, it is best to wait at least 48 hours for his first checkup. At your first visit to the vet, a health check is needed to determine whether your dog is healthy or not. Regardless of results, your vet will tell you to set up a schedule for completing all required immunizations for your teacup.
Since regular vaccinations can prevent your teacup puppy from contracting these common diseases, it is your responsibility as a dog owner to ensure regular visits with the vet. In order to prevent dog health problems, you should be aware of the common diseases faced by dogs. Depending on your vet's assessment, your dog should be able to complete his shots for Canine Distemper, Rabies, Infectious Hepatitis and Corona Virus.

Here are other common dog problems that may need vaccination in the future:

1) Parvo - Scientifically known as Parvovirus, this viral disease affects all types of dogs, but is more common in puppies rather than adults. However, this disease could have serious consequences for the infected puppy, including sudden death. Since there is still no cure available for Parvo, it is important to vaccinate teacup puppies against it at an early age. Your vet will schedule a Parvo immunization as soon as your teacup puppy reaches 6 weeks of age and continue vaccinations until their 20th week.

2) Heartworms - These parasitic worms are common in dogs as well as cats. As their name suggest, heartworms live inside your puppy's heart, free-floating near blood vessels. Unfortunately, even if you take care of your teacup puppy strictly, these worms can still be transmitted from dog-to-dog via mosquitoes. Since heartworms can be extremely dangerous to your dog's health, it is best to give him shots around 3-6 months old because most 7-month old dogs and older are prone to experience adverse reactions to heartworm treatments.

3) Worms - Your teacup puppy may be infected by several variations of intestinal parasites, such as whipworms, tapeworms, roundworms and hookworms. Because these worms could cause numerous health problems, including death, you should take all measure to detect and prevent it as soon as possible. During the first 8 weeks of your teacup puppy's life, he should have received shots on measles, distemper and CPI. After these main vaccinations, be prepared for lyme, heartworm, rabies, hepatitis, parvo, parainfluenza, leptospirosis and other vaccinations appropriate to your area.

Important facts about the weight of your horse trailer by Dave DeMink

Weight of horse trailers is not the primary potency of a horse trailer. The user is advised to keep this fact in mind, while he decides to buy a horse trailer. The controlled weight of horse trailers can be described with ideal gears and with utmost capacity of oil, coolant, and fuel. The curb weight of horse trailers does not consider the travelers or the alternative gears. The mass that is burdened on the back or rear axis of the trailer is known as the (GAW) Gross Axle Weight of Horse trailers. The sum of total weight that can be loaded on the axle is generally known as the (GAWR) Gross Axle Weight Rating. The amount of definite weight burdened on the truck is commonly known as the (GCVW) Gross Combined Vehicle Weight of horse trailers. The genuine weight of horse trailer and its total load alone is the Gross Vehicle Weight of horse trailers. The Gross Combination Vehicle Weight Rating assessment is particularly, précised by the creator of the horse trailer that this is the limit of load, which the trailer can bear safely. The limitation includes the traveler, trailer, horses, and the tow vehicle, in addition to each and every gear present in the trailer. The value of the gross vehicle weight of horse trailers is the inclusion of the fuel, gears, weight of the tow vehicle, trailer weight, or a gooseneck.

Gross Weight:
In concern with the trailer, the weight of horse trailers includes the load of tires, feed bag, horses, and floor mats. The Gross pay weight of horse trailers is estimated by the weighty of freight, all travelers, and alternatives dumped on the tow vehicle. Further, the net pay weight of horse trailers can be calculated after the subtraction of the weight of the gears, freight, and travelers. The sum of weight which pushes along the hitch of the trailer is the tongue weight of horse trailers. Over limit tongue weight of horse trailers, may result in destruction of the drive or suspension and the front wheels of the vehicle can raise possibly. The back of the trailer may also elevate if the tongue weight of horse trailers is quite small. Average tongue weight of horse trailers needs to be around 10-17% of the trailer weight. In terms of gooseneck trailers, the tongue weight of horse trailers is advisable to be 25%.

The Hitch Weight:
The hitch of a horse trailer validates the tongue weight of horse trailers, because it compresses on the hitch. The tongue weight of horse trailer is charged by the hitch along with the maintenance of the weight of horse trailer. The weight allocation hitch shares the tongue weight of horse trailers to every wheel of the trailer and tow vehicle. This allocation permits big tongue weight of horse trailers to hold the load and it also, helps to incline the gross weight of horse trailers to be somewhat steady and intense. The technique of the allocation of weight of horse trailer significantly beats the ability of the hitch, which usually holds the weight of horse trailers quite frequently.

Mad About Rabbits by Kate Riding

Rabbits are animals belonging to the Lagomorph groupings that also comprise of hares and pikas. The term Lagomorph literally means "shaped like a hare" and comes from traditional Norse tongue, dating back to around the 14th Century. Rabbits are akin to rodents in many ways and share many traits with our other more unwanted friends such as rats, mice and gerbils. A closer similarity is that rabbits have sharp incisor teeth which continue to grow until the rabbit dies.
There are well over fifty species of rabbits and they all come together to form the family "Leporidae" which although sounds quite similar to leopard has in fact no bearing. Rabbits are in the main wild animals, even though many of us regard them as domestic animals they are actually wild and keep most of their wild characteristics, even the most tame rabbit will not lose it's wild instincts.
The strain of rabbit which is most commonly kept as a social pet is of the Oryctolagus Cuniculus gene and it is this breed that has been predominantly developed via process of selective breeding to give us the breeds of rabbit which we know, love and cherish today.
And yes, you've guessed it - I'mm completely bonkers about rabbits and hope you are too. If not then perhaps reading this article will go in some way to bringing you round to those little furry animals.
Rabbits are famous for their very high level of reproductivity and are entirely vegetarian with a very powerful hind leg, suitable for jumping and rapid acceleration from would be predators.
Experts predict that once upon a time rabbits had long tails but evolution being evolution has left the rabbit with it's now infamous short and fluffy tail.
Favourite foods are (of course) carrots and a wide array of green vegetables and grasses although it's not unknown for rabbits to enjoy a piece of toast or biscuit (although please note in moderation only).
Wild rabbits can be spotted throughout the day although are more active late at night and in the early morning when they get the chance to stretch their legs while predators sleep.

Taking Cat Arthritis Seriously by Jan Thomsen

Cats are incredibly agile. They have an amazing sense of balance and they always land on their feet no matter how they started to fall. They also have a unique bone structure that allows them to absorb shocks from any impact. That is, the forelegs of a cat are not attached by bone to the rest of its skeleton. Yet, with all these wonderful attributes, cats can still suffer from arthritis.
There are two identified forms of arthritis in cats.

1. Traumatic Arthritis - It is an injury acquired in a split second due to a strong impact. Such impact may come from an unseen moving car, a vicious fight against other cats, or a clumsy fall. Even with the cat's famed gracefulness, a cat can still topple down or make an awkward plunge.

2. Osteo-arthritis - It is occurs mostly in the joints found in the shoulders and elbows. The possible causes of this form of arthritis are repeated traumatic arthritis, previous bone fractures, and joint dislocations. These causes have made the cat's joint more sensitive and prone to painful inflammation.

The arthritis of a cat must be taken seriously. When an owner suspects that his cat has arthritis, the pet should be taken immediately to the vet. To determine if a cat has either the osteo-arthritis or the traumatic kind, the owner must look for these two unmistakable signs:

· Joints that are either protruding or bulging

· A painful limping or stiffness displayed by the cat, even though the limping seems to disappear for awhile.

When brought to the vet, the cat will be examined and x-rayed to accurately diagnose the arthritis. Then, certain treatments will be conducted in order to save the cat and prevent the worsening of the arthritis. Some of these treatments are the following:

· Medications that bring down the inflammation - Most of these medications are simple painkillers that remove any limp or stiffness that the cat may be displaying. But the effects are short-term and these do not cure the arthritis. Such medications are usually taken together with other measures such as an exercise program and a weight control program. The most common of such medications is the Glucosamine.

· Weight control program - This refers to the diet that must be followed by the cat. An overweight problem will compound and worsen the arthritis. Thus any medication given will have no significant effect if the cat is overweight.

· Exercise program - Making a cat follow an exercise program can be a real challenge for the owner. But the owner must persevere in persuading the cat to wake up and move around, instead of allowing it to indulge in sleeping.

Dog Food Recipes For German Shepherds by Charlene J. Nuble

Dogs are often considered as man's best friend - literally. German Shepherds are some of the favorites. It is not questionable nowadays to desire getting our canine friends enjoy the other half of luxury- other than sniffing each other. Dogs now not only dine in style, they dine like us! Here are some dog food recipes for german shepherds that you might want your old canine friend to chow on:

Recipe One


2.5 kgs of ground beef (or if you prefer, lamb) Half a cup of brown rice 2 Broccoli (pick only the stalks) 3 potatoes of medium size 3 carrots (moderate in size) 4 garlic (into cloves)
Fry the lamb in the pan until brown. Then, place on chopped garlic until it turns golden.
Boil water of about 4 or 5 cups in the pot. While the pot is boiling, dish out chop potatoes (already chopped into cubes of preference) in the fry pan and stir. Chop broccoli according to your preference and place this in the pot. Mix everything in the pot and place adequate hot water.
Add pepper and mix it with the brown rice.

Recipe Two


1 and 1/2 cup of hazelnuts 4 ounces of chopped bittersweet chocolate 4 ounces of chopped milk chocolate 1 bar of unsalted butter 1/4 cup of Nutella 1/2 cup of all purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder 1/2 cup of white sugar 2 pieces of eggs
First, you need to toast and skin hazelnuts. Then place it in the food processor and pulse hazelnuts to coarsely ground.

Have the chocolates mix with butter and Nutella then cool moderately. Then add eggs and whisk it until it is glossy and smooth.
Sift flour and place in hazelnuts and chocolate together. Mix until they are combined.
Grease pan and dust cocoa powder and place in butter. Bake for 350 degrees Fahrenheit for a duration of 40 minutes.

To check if the baking is adequate, pick the brownie with a toothpick. It should crumbs stuck to it. Crumbs should be fudgy in texture. It indicates that this adequately baked.
Cool brownies and divide it.

Your dog will surely love these delicious dog food recipes for german shepherds!

Three Tips for Effective Pomeranian Training by Tracy Barbadanikios

Training your Pomeranian puppy doesn't have to be a difficult task. Based on advice from expert Pomeranian breeder Jerrie Freia, these three simple tips will jumpstart your dog's training. By following this sage advice, before you know it your Pomeranian will be trained like the best.Our first tip is simply consistency. Consistency in every aspect of your Pomeranian's training. This holds particularly true when it comes to housebreaking your dog. Be consistent in the route and door you use to take your puppy outdoors. Consistently use the same positive words and body language when encouraging your Pomeranian to potty outdoors. Be consistent in setting the kitchen clock and bringing your puppy outside again twenty minutes after it first relieves itself. Being consistent in all these aspects of your Pomeranian's training is the key to fast and effective results. You will find that this important first tip will quickly pay back in dividends.Second, always ensure that you use both positive words and positive body language when training your dog. The Pomeranian breed is highly perceptive of the words and mannerisms of its handlers. When training your Pomeranian try to use the same words consistently. The choice of words is not near as important as consistently using the same word. "Go." "Potty." "Go Potty." It doesn't matter which one you use, provided that you always use the same word or phrase. Concerning body language, it is important to remember that your puppy will quickly pick up on both positive and negative visual cues from you. Thus, it is very important to watch your mannerisms throughout the training process. Always keep an inviting demeanor. Instead of placing your hands on your hips, consider bending your head and kneeling over to encourage your dog. By doing so you will quickly discover that your puppy will become more receptive to your training methods. Such positive body language and words also work wonders when training second-home and rescue Pomeranians. Our third tip for effective Pomeranian training is to ensure you have the proper amount of time to train a new puppy. If you don't have time for a puppy this month, simply don't get it. Don't. Put it off until you can promise that dog you have the time to commit to its development. The first two weeks are the most important. Puppies under a year old cannot possibly be expected to hold it for twelve hours or longer. Get a dog-walker if you must. But, even more importantly, simply ensure you have the time to commit before getting a puppy. The amount of time you spend training your Pomeranian is one of the most significant factors of any training program.To sum it up, training your Pomeranian doesn't have to be a difficult task. Always be consistent in your training methods. Use positive language, both verbally and physically. Ensure you have the time to commit prior to getting your puppy. Using these three tips, you'll quickly be on your way to accomplishing effective Pomeranian training.

AKC Dog Breeds - Guide to Getting a Recognized Breed by Moses Wright

Shop for any dog and you will soon see the acronym "AKC Dog Breed" used over and over again. What does "AKC" mean? The AKC is the American Kennel Club, which is the registry for all purebred puppies in the United States.
This club holds obedience competitions and dog shows, maintains dog standards and registers puppies of AKC-recognized breeds. In other words, it is the standard by which all dogs live to qualify as a purebred breed. There are over 100 different dog breeds registered with the AKC.
You do, however, need documentation from both the puppies parents In order to register the puppy. Purebred litters are registered shortly after the puppies are born. When they are eight weeks old, the breeder receives a registration application to enter each puppy into the AKC registration. New owners can decide to register their puppies by sending in applications to the AKC for a bona fide acknowledgment.
There are eight different types of AKC dog breeds, including the Hound Group, the Sporting Group, the Working Group, the Non-Working Group, the Toy Group and the Terrier Group. Each dog competes within their group and within its breed during competitions.
Dogs that have a natural affinity to chase other animals and work as superb hunters are placed in the Hound Group. Some can be fastidious and measured or hasty and eager like the Greyhound.
Moving on, the Sporting Group refers to hard-working dogs that are energetic. They need to expend their energy through exercise and can spend hours happily fetching and spotting objects for their masters. The Golden Retriever and Cocker Spaniel are dogs belonging to the Sporting Group.
The Working Group is breeds such as the Doberman Pinschers or Rottweilers. They are highly concerned with protecting their home and family. They tend to be strong and full of spirit, with a innate desire to safeguard and keep watch.
There is also the Non-Working Group, which is a category for dogs that do not belong to the other groups. Everything from the Standard Poodle to the Boston Terrier belong to this group.
As the name suggests, the Toy Group features dogs that are smaller in size, such as the Miniature Pinscher.
Last but not least, Yorkies and Scottish Terriers, like other dogs that have the innate desire to hunt mice are categorized under the Terrier Group.
There is yet another group called the Miscellaneous Group which is where the AKC puts new breeds that are still establishing themselves in the registry. Although AKC is the most well-known club in USA, there are other clubs like the United Kennel Club, the American Canine Association, the Canine Kennel Club and the North American Purebred Dog Registry.
For any dogs born outside the United States that wish to be considered in the AKC, they owner can apply and allow the AKC to consider their application. For instance, Australian dogs are accredited in the Victorian Canine Association while Canadian dog owners need to register their dog under the Canadian Kennel Club.

Pet Birds For Your Family by Pertic Brendon

You want a pet but you don't know what exactly you should get. A dog is out of the question since your flat is too small, and besides it would just be cooped up in there the whole day long while you went to work. A cat might be a good pet. It's independent, it can take care of itself, and you can still come home to a warm living body that will curl up to you. But what about pet birds? Did you ever think of getting a bird for a pet?
You didn't, but the idea intrigues you. It's not something that had ever crossed your mind, but it had definite possibilities. On second thoughts though, you feel that you might go for a pet cat instead. Less hassle all around you feel.
So you wander on down to your pet store one glorious sunny day with the intention of getting yourself a pet cat, or kitten as the case may be. You walk in and are greeted by the sight of birdcages, bird houses, bird baths, and even a birdfeeder. You stop in surprise and look around just to make sure that you've actually come to the pet store and not a bird store. You're in the pet store alright, there are the dogs in one corner, the cats, squirrels, and bunnies in other corners and all in their respective cages.
What's overwhelming you though is the noise of the screeching birds. They're all going at it full voiced and you can barely hear yourself think let alone hear the proprietor apologize for the whole mess. He was rearranging some of the stuff and the birds got excited. You are now doubly glad that you didn't decide on pet birds as your choice of pet.
You notice that you're the only customer around and with good reason. You might also be tempted to leave and come again on a quieter day, but you came down here for a purpose. If you put off getting a pet for longer you might not get one in the near future. So you square your shoulders, block out the noise and tell the kind little man at your elbow that you were looking to adopt a cat.
You're taken down a winding alleyway of colorful fish tanks and straight on past an array of screaming birds. As you pass the last one however, your attention is caught. This lone bird isn't screeching, isn't making any kind of sound but is instead regarding you with a steady eye. You move forward and it moves its head along with you. You move sideways, the same thing happens. Intrigued you move this way and that watching in entranced delight as this little beauty follows your every move.
That's when the snare falls and you find yourself leaving the store with the very thing that you told yourself you didn't want a pet bird. At least you can tell yourself that it wasn't pet birds.

Your Pet Health Questions by Pertic Brendon

If you own a pet then you'll be bound to have many pet health questions. These can range from a simple, "how do I know if my dog is ill?" to a more complicated "what can I do for my molting spider?" All these pet health questions and more can be answered by your vet, or even the nice people down at the pet store.
Another good source for you to use to ask these vital pet health questions is the internet. Here you can find online vet websites which can help you in answering most of your pet health questions. You can ask any questions that you need to know the answer to and be assured of getting a reliable answer.
You can even find kindred spirits who have gone through the same things that you're going through now, with their own pets. These people might have found different ways of dealing with the same problem you have now, or perhaps they could tell you how to enhance your present method so that it works better. Whatever the case you can be assured of at least some help from this vast resource, and it's one of the best places to find information on your many pet health questions.
Then again if you don't like new fangled things and would rather do things the old fashioned way you can always go down to your veterinary clinic and find some answers to your pet health questions that way. The staff should all be able to help you and you should be able to get sound answers to all your pet health questions.
Then again another resource that you have is the library. This also works very well in your favor but you will need to find the correct reference section before you get anywhere. The information that you can gather at the library is vast and although it might be time consuming, you can get most of your pet health questions answered.
This is also a good place where you can check out some books on pet health which you want to buy. Afterwards it will be a simple matter for you to go to the bookstore and buy your reference guide to your pet health questions and keep it handy in your home.
If you're a conscientious pet owner then most of the time you will be having a few pet health questions. This is good as it shows that you care for your pet and only want the best for it. So ask as many questions as you like to be able to take care of your pets better.

Easy Pet Adoption Tips by Pertic Brendon

If you're looking for a pet to keep the long lonely hours at bay then you might want to consider pet adoption. Or if your kids want a pet and you can't say no to their beseeching little faces you can think about pet adoption. But before you do go and adopt a pet though you should be thoroughly aware of what you're getting yourself into. By adopting a pet into your family you're making the same commitment to it that you would make to any living thing that you were responsible for.
Some people even think of their pets as their children, and ultimately this is what it will amount to. Unless you're looking at a cat for your pet adoption scheme, then be prepared to have to pander to its every needs and whims. And just like with a young child, you'll need to house train it! You'll also need to teach your pet some obedience, especially if you get a dog.
Cats on the other hand are slightly more easier in that they're independent creatures who will only look at you and come to you when they need a free meal ticket. You also probably won't be able to teach a cat to behave itself, and a special behavior school for cats probably doesn't even exist. That doesn't mean that you'll have to take cats off your pet adoption list. It just means that you'll need to be aware of the nature of your cat.
Birds are an easy choice for pet adoption but be warned, they can be noisy, especially some species who like to get up with the rising sun and sing you a lovingly screeched chorus at the top of their lungs. And they have no discrimination whether it's your weekend or not. You'll also need to constantly clean out their cages, keep enough bird seed and water around, and remember to never let it loose in the house if you also went and got a cat when you were doing the whole pet adoption thing.
There are a few places that you can look into if you want to adopt a pet. These can be animal shelters, pet stores, or perhaps even a neighbor or friend who's moving away and can't take their pet with them. Then again, if you only want a trial run before you start your pet adoption process in earnest, pet sitting your friend's pet while they're away for a whole year might give you an insight of what's needed from you. Then again it won't be the same as having your own pet, so if you think you're ready go ahead with your pet adoption plans. There's nothing better than being the proud owner of a cute little puppy, or kitten, or bird, or, well you get the idea right.

Jobs With Pets by Pertic Brendon

Pet jobs can encompass many things the least of which is a job held at a pet store. There can be a variety of pet jobs to choose from, like working at a zoo, or animal shelter, or perhaps even a pet store. You could always find pet jobs around your neighborhood as well. After all walking the neighborhood dogs can be considered as a pet job, right? What do I mean by pet jobs then? Basically I'm talking about jobs that entail your handling or coming into contact with animals of all shapes and sizes.
This can cover many things as you must be aware, but what would you be expected to do on any of these pet jobs. If you were working in a pet store there a few jobs that you would definitely have to do and these would encompass a large number of responsibilities. From feeding all the animals first thing in the morning, and in most cases last thing before you leave as well, to cleaning out their various cages and hutches etc. You would be required to help customers who come into the shop, and be able to direct them knowledgably through the store.
If they ask you a question about the various animals and paraphernalia that they can find in store you should know about it. And if they have questions regarding the requirements of their pets you should be able to answer those as well. It's not required that you can do all of this from the beginning but it does help. And if you don't know the answer to any of the questions you should be able to admit it and go find someone who does know the answers and get them to help the customer.
The same applies if you're working at a zoo, but without the whole customer part. You will need to be knowledgeable about the animals you're going to be working with, but if not don't worry as these particular pet jobs will almost always come with some form of on the job training so that you don't walk into the lions' cage in the middle of feeding time by accident.
Pet jobs at animal shelters are really quite different, although the basic cleaning, feeding and caring for of the animals and birds still remains. But unlike with a zoo, here you don't need to be worried of walking in on the lions. Pet jobs at animal shelters may also be more emotionally heart rending as so you will come across so many distressed birds and animals who need your help.
If you love animals though there's no better job that you could take than to work with them. If you feel the calling to nurture and be with animals in your bones, then listen to it, not everyone is equipped to do pet jobs.

Health Insurance For Your Pet by Pertic Brendon

Like everything else these days the veterinary bills for your pet are also out of this world. And just as you need health insurance have you ever thought about getting your pet health insurance? It's not as bizarre as it sounds and might help you in the long run. By getting your pet health insurance you can be certain that at the times when your pet needs it the most you can give him the proper medical care and attention.
Your pet is also an integral part of your family and you should treat it so. After a while a pet stops being just an animal and will become a bona fide family member, and you wouldn't let a family member suffer through lack of proper insurance would you. So getting your pet health insurance isn't really all that insane, and in the long run it could even save you money.
How so? Well with the continuing rising costs of just about everything as the years wear on, your health insurance could help to save you from having to spend large sums of money all at once. Think about it, what happens if your pet gets hurt? Perhaps he will break a leg, perhaps he'll have rough-housed with the wrong animals. Then what happens, you need to give your pet good medical care and attention but it's been a few days since your last pay packet, and you've taken out a mortgage on your house.
Do you tell the vet, hey I can afford only this much do the best that you can with that amount. You might be lucky and not get thrown out of the clinic, or you might get laughed at and your pet given a set of common vitamins to take because that will fix all his problems.
Or you could be smart about it and get your pet health insurance to cover for all these unlikely events, and cover all your bases. In the short term it won't cost you more than a few extra dollars, and in the long run at least you can be assured of care being available immediately for your pet should the need arise.
And when your neighbor who only laughed disbelievingly at you when you told him about getting your pet health insurance, laughs even harder when you tell him that it actually came in handy, you can just smile. Because you know that his laugh is slightly strained, since his cat is even now recuperating from coming into contact with something that was harder and faster than it was, a car crossing at the intersection.
You got your pet health insurance and now your pet has the best of all medical facilities at his disposal, while your neighbor had to pay through his nose to get his cat's bones back together and splinted. And don't forget the cost of medications! Now who's having the last laugh.

Things To Know About Pet Grooming by Pertic Brendon

Since most everyone who owns pet will want to keep their pets healthy, there's always a demand for information regarding pet grooming. Not only that, in some places there are special pet grooming centers available as well. In these places you can take your pet to be groomed in the lap of luxury while you go away and do your own business.
The more up market of these pet grooming centers has grown up around the areas where people with money to throw around live and who can afford some of the finer things in life for their pets as well. If you go to Beverly Hills in Los Angeles you're bound to see more than one of these pet grooming places.
However that doesn't mean that you too can't afford to take your pet to one of these pet grooming centers. There can be one in your town as well, you don't need to be living in the lap of luxury to have one.
Otherwise you could do what most of the population does and do your own pet grooming. This is a great way to bond with your pet as well, and if they like the whole grooming thing then they'll be your slave every time you even bring up mention of the words pet grooming.
Unfortunately for me I had no such luck, and every time I even mentioned the word bath, my dog would run for the hills (not literally) and it would take all my time just to go and find him and coax him into a nice bath. Quite by accident I found out one day that he liked showers so that did make my life easier, but he still had that inbuilt dislike of being given a bath. I was beginning to think that maybe he was a cat in disguise, so much did he hate the thought of a bath!
My own personal pet grooming experiences with my dog however, led me to believe that taking him to a pet grooming center would just be abysmally embarrassing to me since at that point I didn't even need to say the word "bath" he just guessed my intentions and ran away anyway.
I also felt that pet grooming was wasted on him since all he did right after the painstaking bathing process was to run outside and roll around on the ground, thereby undoing any good that I had done to him when I bathed him. Pet grooming wasn't for me and it certainly wasn't for my dog, but you should try it, perhaps you'll have a more rewarding time of it than I did.